The Sewing Gallery, Shreveport, Louisiana - I wouldn't shop there if I were you!

I repeat....the Sewing Gallery is NOT a place you want to do business with:  Here's my Janome I purchased from The Sewing Gallery, 5747 Youree Drive, now located at corner of Youree and Pennsylvania, Shreveport, Louisiana, phone 318-865-8705. 

If you are a smart shopper, you need this information SO THAT YOU WILL NOT SHOP AT THE SEWING GALLERY....HERE'S WHY!  I bought this Janome exactly one year ago today to be my second sewing machine.  It was light weight so perfect for me to pack up on my sewing days with friends.  Being my second....not primary....machine I used it less than 100 hours this past year.  Now, here's the rub.  It malfunctioned (same malfunction) four times this past year.  Since I  live in Monroe, 90 miles east of Shreveport,  this means that with every malfunction, I had to make the 180 mile round trip.  And twice, I had to leave it which meant I had to go back to pick it up!  You and I can both figure the mileage.  So Sunday....knowing the warranty was about to expire, I was happily sewing away...and damn - er - I mean bam - it malfunctioned.  Monday, I called the store owner and told him the problem.  And he declared loud and clear that this machine was a real workhorse, tried and tested, tested and tried over and over by the manufacturer, so it was not a problem with the machine, but with the owner!  Did I ever see red, but being the (tongue in cheek) gentle spirit that I am, I told him I would bring it to his shop Wednesday (today) so he could show me how to sew on this damn - er - I mean jammed machine.....I did and he found nothing wrong with it!!! refused to send it back to manufacturer, refused to accept any responsibility....offered me $100 to buy it back.  I thanked him for his generosity since my receipt in hand showed I paid $703.55 for one and the same! 

I ultimately accepted $250 and left his store.    Oh, but let me backtrack.  When we agreed on the $250, he reached into his pocket and offered me $100 in cash and told me he would mail the rest of the money to me.  Thank goodness I had the presence of mind to refuse this offer.  I told him I would be back in one hour for the money...thought this would give him enough time to find a bank.  When I got back over to The Sewing Gallery (the place you do not want to shop) the store clerk had the money for me.    She also told me that she had been sewing on the machine and that indeed it did have problems but that there was nothing she could do about was not her store and while she felt the owner was wrong, she could not intercede on my behalf. 

Here is part of the printed warranty: 
Your authorized Janome dealer or Janome Authorized Service Center will evaluate your report of a possible defect and if one is discovered, will (at its option) repair or replace the Product either with an identical Product or with a substitute product that is substantially similar to the original Product. Your authorized Janome dealer or Janome Authorized Service Center reserves the right to supply refurbished Products or substitute product provided that they conform to the written specifications of Janome America, Inc. for new Products or new substitute products.

Hey.....Janome, Hey....The Sewing Gallery - listen up - You are not the kind of folks I do business with.  You are on my list to never, ever visit again and I'm spreading the word about your actions today. 


  1. I am with you, Marty!! Janome is on my no-no list to ever own (unless you can get some satisfaction from them directly) and gratefully I never have to worry about shopping at the Sewing Gallery!!! But you do need to call Janome and report them!! Maybe you can get some satisfaction from them directly!! I would imagine they don't want the kind of reputation they are getting because of the Sewing Gallery!! Kris

  2. I'm with Kris! I'd contact Janome directly and tell them what you've told us. I can't believe a reputable company would want that sort of store and/or owner representing them.

  3. I am so sorry this happened Marty!

  4. I think in the day of THE INTERNET we consumers CAN AND SHOULD spread the word about businesses we have to deal with on a daily basis.
    Perhaps contacting Janome and let them know in addition to the VERY UNSATISFACTORY dealings with THEIR REPRESENTATIVE that you are a blogger with a following that will pass the word.

  5. looks like my test went through so I'll continue. As you know, Marty, I listen to podcasts while traveling, doing housework, etc. One of my quilting podcasters had multiple Janome problems too. It's been at least a year so I don't remember the specifics but I think it had to do with her bobbin or bobbin case. Anyway, the idea that stuck with me is that janome doesn't stand behind their products. any company can produce a lemon or a problem machine but they should be willing to make it right. Pat Seager

  6. Thank you for passing on your story to everyone to read. No one should have to go through that. I'm a Janome owner and I love my machine and I too believe that Janome does not want someone like that representing their product.

  7. Wish I had seen this before I purchased a Janome MC10000 from them on eBay. :(

  8. I continue to hear bad news about the owner of The Sewing Gallery. He is an arrogant, hard-headed man that has no PR skills. How he continues to stay in business is a miracle. Apparently Janome doesn't care about their reputation since they continue to allow him to sell their machines even though he doesn't have the customers' interest at heart. I know there are a lot of good Janome machines out there, but I will continue to bash them as long as their warranty reads that it is the up to the discretion of the retail store whether a machine should be sent back to manufacturer for repair. This egotistical ass refused to send my lemon Janome back to manufacturer and it was less than one year old.


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