Working with half-square triangles: AGAIN

A day has to start somewhere:  might as well be browsing through quilting books - like this one published by Better Homes and Gardens....It's still available, I checked. 

It's one I've had on my shelf forever, but have never really looked at it - until this morning when I caught a glimpse of that brown half-square triangle quilt folded on the trunk at the foot of the bed!

I ran (didn't stop to walk) to my fabric bin and found 12-15 brown time to stop and count, plus some brown/orange, brown/green, brown/black just to mix things up a bit.  Grabbed my bolt of muslin for the background and here's where I've landed:  56 HST blocks are sewn, pressed and squared to 6 1/2" and I've started  making  640 2" little guys that will surround the large one! It takes 16..yikes.   I've finally stopped long enough to catch my breath and grab a bite to eat.  I'll be back, but in the meantime's my mess - and

here's the three I've finished.  They are 10" blocks, so I'm guessing my quilt will be 74" x 84" after I
add an outside guessed it:  more 2" half-square triangles! 


  1. Wow, Marty - What an ambitious project, but boy is it ever going to be gorgeous!! Have fun!! Kris

  2. What beautiful colors together. I look forward to seeing this one finished. :))


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