Transporting a work-in-progress.....

from the design wall to the sewing machine to the ironing table can be tricky when there are lots of little loose quilt blocks to transport.  One simple solution is to use one of those rectangular oil cloth table cloths....they have a flannel-like backing that the quilt blocks will cling to.  I  bought two yards of oil cloth on sale which serves the same purpose. 

Once I have my design on the wall completed, I just simply spread out my oil cloth and place the quilt blocks on it, making sure to keep each block in the right order. I usually grab my camera and snap a picture of my project at this point so I have a ready reference anytime I need it down the sewing road. 

 Rolling the oil cloth keeps the blocks from shifting.  Once I get it to my sewing machine, I can unroll a bit at a time so everything stays meek and tame. 

As I sew, I place each completed segment back on the oil cloth and transport to the ironing table.  After pressing, it's all rolled again and I can hop back over to the sewing table and before I can convince the cat that he can't mess up my unrolled plans, the project is complete.

Quilt projects store beautifully this way for days and weeks.  This is the perfect way to get a project together to take to sew days with quilting friends.   As a matter of fact, while you are at the fabric/discount store,  might as well get  several yards.....more than one project can be arranged, rolled and be ready for transporting.

 A big thank you goes out to my friend Mary for this wonderful idea.  She is a great teacher and full of ideas to make life easier. 

1 comment:

  1. What a clever idea. It definitely would work for projects that have to be placed on "hold." Thanks for sharing.


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