lunger girl's favorites

shotcloth and kaffeA 'someday' quilt"COLLECT" BOOKCASEThe Cupcake ApronGrey & White Houndstooth QuiltColors
For Poppa and NonnaBlue Morpho ButterflyFrench knots, Echino & linen, oh, my!scrappy mug rug frontAMH in LAAMH in LA
The Full StarTula Pink Nest!IMPROV chevrons!!Nest Quilt SandwichTula Pink Price Charming QuiltBrrr! Triangles Quilt
IMG_9010-2Baby Quilt - Sept 2011Rainbow Quilt FrontFinished Sparkle QuiltLiz Centsbetso bear head

I love it when people play favorites! Especially when a favorite is my Kaffe Fassett and shot cloth quilt.....

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