Inspiration comes from EVERYWHERE:

But I got my inspiration today right here:  thank you Laura....I love your Kona Cotton solids. 

However, I don't have all those solids.........BUT, I do have these fabrics, most of which are
 Dianne Springer designs, some my hand dyes, some off the fabric shop shelf,  that I want to put into a quilt.  I think this pattern will do nicely. 

I'll use these for my 10 large blocks like in the top of Laura's quilt.  Should be plenty left to make the mid-size blocks also.

I also have Laurel Burch's Flying Colors II (I found a link to it here).....a yard of which I won as a door prize at our last Piney Hills Quilt Guild meeting.  Hannah of Hannah's Quilts and Crafts did the program and she generously donated these flying beauties, i.e. hummingbirds, et al.

I think I'll cut each butterfly and hummingbird block and use them as the smaller blocks that are in the bottom of Laura's quilt.

Yep......sounds good to me, now I'll get out of my computer chair and into my sewing chair and finish my Friday in this fun-filled fabric dusty room. 


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