This mystery quilt along is getting my goat!

Originally posted and mused over here after the second month of the quilt chapter quilt along.   Fabric requirements and cutting instructions were passed out the first month.   I decided to complete the lap quilt size in a scrap happy method using up some batiks. 

Completed six 16-patch blocks and I'm liking the batik so far, but still worried that my contrast between the dark and light will not be contrasting enough!! (the hate side of a mystery quilt).  Also on the hate side of a mystery quilt is that I've pre-cut all my fabric.  What if I don't like some of my fabric choices once I get it sewn into blocks? 

Received May instructions and fell behind.  Received June instructions and fell further behind.  Now, it's almost time for the July instructions and I'm finally up-to-date. 

May, June, July mystery quilt blocks completed

and I'm speculating on the block arrangement....but if it's anything close to this, then I like it
and I can see that my contrast between the dark and light is working fine. 

I'm really liking the scrap happy blending

Also liking the batik fabric that's now into a quilt block and out of my fabric bin

but these 10 6 1/2" blocks remain! 
There must be another block arrangement in this mix somewhere, but until next month,
 it's still a mystery to me! 


  1. Yes, your scrappy batik quilt is turning out lovely!! Can't wait until the mystery is solved and we get a "big reveal".

  2. That's so cool, and you do have the dark and the lights placed perfectly don't you?

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


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