A first for me: Fabric Swap

CITYstitches is hosting a color wheel fabric swap -  fat quarters of rainbow colors:
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • green
  • blue
  • pink
  • purple
  • grey

Some restrictions apply:

  • fabric must be quilt shop quality
  • 2 yards of your assigned color must be cut into 8 fat quarters
  • the fabric must be modern
  • no solids....print fabric only
  • place fabric in Ziploc bag along with an index card with your name and address.  There's a reason for that.....helps the post office deliver lost mail! 

There is a limit of 56 participants.  Join now and look forward to receiving a bundle of fat quarters that you probably wouldn't have in your stash otherwise! 

City Stitches

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