Japanese X and +

It's too late to turn back now! 

These will be my blocks to swap in the very first block swap at the next meeting of the newly formed Modern Quilt Guild here in North Louisiana.  I'm excited!   I've used up all my scraps....gotta go start cutting yardage.  I think this is going to be a great looking quilt.  Easy to follow tutorial here at City Stitches.....


  1. You have already finished!!! I guess I better go download the intructions!

    Love them all!

  2. Light and bright! Those deliver the WOW!

  3. Yes, I'm serious about having fun!

  4. Looks like you are totally HOOKED, my friend! I would be too, if I lived a little closer. So how many members does this group have? Can't wait to see what your swapping brings back to you.

  5. We are just getting started and have 8 members as of our first meeting. We are getting the word out....one word at a time! Wish you were closer too, but you are where you are suppose to be - HOME!

  6. That is gorgeous, can't wait to see the finished quilt.

    It would look really wonderful in a stark modern black and white kind of apartment...leather, chrome, and that quilt on the wall, I can see it now.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


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