Handmade Zippered Pouches:

What I made yesterday:  Six Atkinson Design pouches.  Terry calls them her Cash and Carry pouches. Oh, I do love to keep my cash and credit cards contained, but  I like to contain other things in my purse.  I contain pencils and pens and little reminder note pads.  I contain my lipstick and chap stick and blush, my comb and brush.....every little thing to keep me pretty.  I contain......well, you get the zippered pouch picture. 

and the zippers......well, they came from - where else but  Zipit's Etsy shop where the choices are enormous and the prices are just right for my zippered pouches. 



  1. They are lovely. Great fabric choices!! I love little pouches too, but never quite know what to put in all of them. :))

  2. Beautiful! I like Atkinson Designs - I've got a bag pattern from her.


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