Let's Celebrate

It's the tail end of 2012 and life was very good to us this year.  No major tumbles and falls or hurdles to leap over.  We took one day at a time and lived it in our usual slow-moving-Jones-pace.  And that is a good thing, since we are moving more slowly with each passing year. 

the tail end

I'm reminded of what someone once told me ...."you can't do what you should have done."  So, here's looking at you twenty thirteen - I'm putting my 'should haves' for 2012 behind me. 

Now it's time to see the front end of 2013.  Looking forward is the best way to see the world.  Memories of the past are wonderful.  Reminiscing with family and friends over a cuppa brings tears of joy and sadness, but I won't linger.   I my optimism, I enjoy thinking that the best is yet to come. 

looking forward

Oh, yes, let the celebrating begin.  I'm looking forward to the new year....a year to be filled with love, laughter, good cheer and great health. 



  1. Warmest of wishes for this brand new year ahead.

    So many new possibilities.

    2,013 hugs

    1. And that many hugs and warm wishes back to you. What a year this will be.

  2. Have a wonderful new year!


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