First things first!

Do you find the pattern first?   That was the first thing I this picture from the cover of Ellen Pahl's "PINWHEEL Party." 

Next, I made my fabric selection from my stash.  Not exactly as Ellen's picture, but quite the color blend to suit me. 

stacked pinwheels

Then, I made pinwheels/windmills:  18 pinwheels to make my windmill rows for  this 40" x 46" quilt top.    All stitched up and ready for the quilter. 

Windmill Row

1 comment:

  1. Great quilt. I just love the look of the outside border floral. The fabric combinations look great. I tend to start with a pattern but sometimes novelty type fabrics have to just be created into something tailor made so I search for an idea to suit the fabric.


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