my hearing is as old as I am...

I went to the doctor this morning for my usual checkup.  Just before exiting the room, doc asked if I had any more things that were troubling me.  AND that's when I remembered that my ear has been aching a little lately.  Not a continuous ache, just an occasional pain.  He also asked if  I had any problems with my hearing.  I told him no, I could hear just fine, but that the HuMan had begun whispering.

Doc just grinned a bit as he turned his head and prescribed a drop to be administered four drops at a time, four times a day.  The first four drops just went in so I haven't had enough time to know if this will work on eliminating the pain; however, I do know that the medication hasn't improved my hearing....or is HuMan still whispering.

Here's the way the last conversation with the HuMan of the house went:

HuMan:  This winter storm is named ??len.

Hard of hearing wife, hereinafter known as HOHW:    They've named a winter storm Ellen?

HuMan:  No, it's named ??len.

HOHW:  Okay, Ellen.

HuMan:  No, No, No. my lips H E L E N

HOHW:  Okay, Helen.  You don't have to scream!

It isn't my eyes that are having a problem, but thankfully the box reads loud and clear so I won't confuse this medication with my eye drops.  Hope everyone is braving  the effects of the winter storm, HELEN!

1 comment:

  1. I heard you, Helen
    You don't have SCREAM HELEN,

    Marty, you are too funny

    Hey, I'm finding my years past the seven zero, yes, 70!!!
    Do not get easier, but lots of fun anyway.

    Keep that sense of humor of yours, HOHW!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs, is aid HUGS,


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