Stuck In The Middle With you...lyrics to live by!

Stealers Wheel 'stuck in the middle with you'
Lyrics to Live By:  Stuck In The Middle With You
Stealers Wheel
When the picture fits the name of the song and the band that sings it, then use it to get past that stuck feeling ~
I wasn't feeling very creative this morning:  Stuck in the middle of wanting to make a modern quilt, an art quilt, continue working on a traditional quilt or painting.  Guess I'll just go pull out the vacuum cleaner or even better, the toilet bowl brush!  Either chore should help me make a quick decision on what fun stuff to work on!   



  1. That's exactly what happened to me yesterday. Once I've was done with the bathrooms, I went up to my sewing room and worked on more mug rugs! :) It felt good - I got the bathrooms cleaned AND I had fun sewing/quilting. Good luck!

  2. Think I'll skip the housework and go directly to my sewing machine.
    Thanks, Ladies, for clearing the way for me this morning!


    Oh, Marty, I've made your Fruit Salad Recipe (from your post last month) TWICE
    So happy you did. It's a wonderful taste treat!

  3. Good song and image match. Gee, this morning I was ready to make some bread and do the laundry while it was rising. My Honey invited me to take a walk with him. The walk was much more fun than laundry, but I'll miss the fresh bread later.... Perhaps fresh bread tomorrow morning. :)

  4. Some choices are better than others. Hope you got some fun stuff done.

  5. I love that song! Now it's going to be stuck in my head. Not a bad thing.

  6. Oh no a ear

    Love the bikes, and I love that they are not covered in snow even more.



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