Quilt block skill building: One block at a time

Happiness is learning new skills or refreshing those that are dusty from lack of use.   It was a little bit of both getting the Skill Builder BOMs pieced together this month.  Alyssa of Pile O' Fabric has put quite an effort into developing skills of those who choose to follow her modern BOMs.  

Here's my finished Woven Star....block #5.

SkillBuilder Block 5:  Woven Star

And Woven Chevron.....block #6 in the skill building series. 

SkillBuilder Block 6:  Woven Chevron

I almost followed Alyssa's instructions to the T....however, I continue to find it easier for me to cut larger than required and trim to size afterwards.  I often add a quarter to a half inch when making half-square and quarter-square triangles.  It takes a little bit of effort to trim to size, but well worth it when I get perfect finished blocks.  That diagonal line on the ruler was put there for a reason!

Thanks, Alyssa...I enjoyed making these blocks, so full of color and happiness. My hand-dyed fabric (mixed with some off-the-shelf) is working beautifully with the multi-colored poppy background fabric.

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