Art Quilt Challenge Theme ~ Carnaval

I usually don't begin an art quilt based on any particular theme.....I just start!  But in our group, Art Quilts Around The World, we make an art quilt each month based on a theme.  It's a newly formed group and the first one we published was entitled 'self-portrait.'  Now for reveal #2.....
'Carnival.'  All 30 of us in the group posted our finished art quilt March 31.  Another specific about each of our art quilts is size....each one is 11 1/2" x 16" - it 11" x 16 1/2!!  Oh, my.   There is so much energy and talent in this group, I'm racing to stay up.....smiling as I run with them.

Carnaval:  an art quilt by Marty Mason

There's always a story,  visit Art Quilts Around the World for the rest of it. 


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