ColorBoard No. 27 - A quilt block

No time for sewing this a ColorBoard it had to be:  A Quilt Block ~

ColorBoard No. 27:  A quilt block

Once upon a time I had a quilt block and I loved all the colors in, in Photoshop,  I simply went to, added my quilt block picture to that open file and moved it around to my liking.  I then  found my eyedropper tool and selected a color from the quilt block,  then selected a brush tool and painted that color on the picture.  Next step was to open a new layer, select a color, then a brush and do the same thing all over again.  Adding a new layer for each color, allows me to move my paint splashes anywhere on the picture I choose.  All done, now just merge all the layers, sign my name, resize  and save. 

Shut this baby down and scoot on out of the house.   It's gonna be a full day! 


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