Geli Plate Printed Fabric ~

It's simply the life!
To get up in the morning
And paint fabric. 

I've been searching for just the right fabric to go with my string of pearl for my next table runner when all the while, it was right at the end of my paint brush!

geli plate stamped fabric with string of pearls
From start to finish: 
Gather materials......white fabric prepared for dying
geli plate
acrylic paint
paper or plastic plate
paint brush

I protect my work surface with a piece of freezer paper, but any surface cover will do.
In plastic plate, squirt a dab of acrylic paint.
Since I wanted  the outcome to be a really muted gray, I added lots of water to my black paint and mixed with my brush.  Then,
with loaded brush, painted over the geli plate.  Because the brush was large and the paint was very watered, I got gray water drops just to my liking. 
 Now, lay your fabric right side down on the geli plate and roll the fabric with your brayer to get these results!  Need more painted fabric, just do it again.  When the fabric is dry, press with the hottest iron your fabric will stand to set the paint.   I'm using cotton, so hottest hot is okay. 


My painted fabric is a perfect blend with some off-the-quilt-store-shelf fabric I had on hand.

There you have it.....a table runner project in the bag for quilt retreat in mid-September.  There'll be more projects gathered before I get the final packing done, but this is a start! 


  1. Really liking that painted fabric! I might have to try that in a neutral / ecru shade for a neutrals palette I'm looking for.

    1. Yes, a dark brown paint watered down would give you a great result.


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