I'm a BOM addict

.....and I confessed just this past month that I participate in four BOM's  - one of which just ended.  Sew, Mama, Sew! and Pile O' Fabrics collaborated for a big, modern  block of the month and I just had to do it.  Here is block No. 6, Pandora's Box....all 25 inches of it!

Sew, Mama, Sew!  BOM Big Block No. 6 Pandora's Box

And here it is together with the first five blocks.  I'm loving it!  I love it Big and Modern and almost Finished.   The borders have been selected, but not yet sewn on.  I'll update as sewing and photography and time allows. 

Big Modern Quilt blocks - Marty Mason
But for now, I'm on the road again.....heading to Vicksburg to enjoy the day. 

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