Hello....It's Me!

When I mentioned to my traditional quilt maker-friends that I was sewing my scraps together to make yardage.....well, they laughed....and laughed. 

Yes, they were laughing at me!  But not to be deterred, I sewed even more scraps together than I had originally planned.  Yes, even scraps deserve to be organized.  I first sorted by color...yellow, bluish/green, and lime green and sewed like color to like color.

I then cut my new fabric into random size medium to large squares and rectangles and arranged on my design wall in what I considered a pleasing design. 

There were enough scraps to sew together to make enough yardage to make this little quilt top.  Now to find a back for it and do some major quilting to get this baby ready to take to my modern quilt guild meeting.  They may snicker too!  That's okay, I was doing what I love to do and that is use what I have on hand while enjoying the moment, taking time to be creative and making quilts.   My newest mantra - Be Scrappy, be Happy. 

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.....40" x 60"




  1. Oh my.........if that is modern, I love it....good job, and then....what do we know, you know we love to laugh.....you are always so creative and frugal at the same time. I admire you..........and if you really need to know, so do most of our group........Luv ya! Karla

  2. LOVE it!! Get earplugs (to hide the laughing) and sew on, sister!

  3. I laughed when I read the title of your post. I certainly didn't laugh when you said you were making yardage. If I remember correctly I ran upstairs and started sewing my own scraps together to make a journal cover.


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