Cottage on Cane River

I haven't done any serious Photoshop playing about in quite a few days.  This was the morning to re-visit pictures taken several months ago while we were in Natchitoches.  I've always loved this little cottage on Cane River.  Friends of ours once leased one of the apartments in the cottage and Tom and I had the opportunity to say here one year during the Natchitoches annual  Christmas Festival.  The cottage was as inviting from the inside looking out as from the outside looking in. 

Cottage on Cane River, Natchitoches, Louisiana

This picture was taken from across Cane River.  Great view of the back of the cottage but a little busy with the barbeque grill, lamp posts, chairs and rug hung over the porch rail! 

Cottage on Cane River, Natchitoches, Louisiana

I do enjoy before and after.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely place. *sigh* It goes back to a very peaceful time.


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