Shut up and Sew!

It is time.  Time for me to shut up and sew a bit: 

A therapeutic Moment
Therapeutic:  producing good effects on your body and mind ~
It has been a most delightful three days just passed.  Spending time talking to a receptive group of quilters about the modern quilt movement and sharing my modern quilts with Quilter's Guild Acadienne in Lafayette, Louisiana, where I was received with open arms.  The food was hot, the weather perfect and a good time was passed. 
A whirlwind of a trip filled with shopping, talking, laughing and sharing.  Modern quilting, yeah, it's a movement and it has now moved into Louisiana.  I'm excited and energized to be a part of it and hope to share even more in the days to come.   Just a spark can start a fire! 


  1. Oh, that is so great............that you had food, laughs, conversations and made new friends, that couldn't ever be a bad thing!! I want you to know how much of an inspiration you are to laughter and personality just radiates happiness............I'm proud to call you my friend..........Karla

    1. Karla, you are the sweetest of sweets, so full of encouragement and heartwarming thoughtfulness.

  2. You are an awesome ambassador, Marty. So glad it was a positive experience. Enjoy your sew time!


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