
2013.....It was a very good year, as have been most of my years passed.   While we took time to travel a bit this year and made improvements in the house and out in the garden and got some time in for (light) exercise,  my main focus, of course, was where else but my sewing studio.  I call it my studio when it's all neat and tidy.  It becomes my sweat shop when it appears to be all ruffled and rough around the edges with multiple projects in progress strewn in and around the sewing machine(s) and pressing surface and cutting table. 

I  put together a couple of mosaics this morning of a few of my favorite projects this year.   There were more, but who's counting!
2013 End of Year Mosaic....Quilt projects by Marty Mason

Let's see, there was some improv quilts, some block-of-the-month online finishes, a few art quilts, table runners, thread sketching,  art quilt challenges and zippered pouches.  There was traditional with a touch of modern,   and a lot of sewing outside the lines

2013 End of Year Mosaic....Quilt projects by Marty Mason

When I wasn't sewing quilt blocks in the studio, I was painting them....the watercolor backdrop:  a square-in-a-square and more! 

 streak of lighting quilt,
modern nine-patch in almost neutrals! 
improv quilt made after taking Jacquie Gering's Craftsy class
and wonky crosses made with hand dyes and Zen Chic "Comma" fabric collection
Oh, yes, from start to finish 2013 was a very good year,
 but the best is yet to come.
 Happy New Year
Here's looking at you, 2014

1 comment:

  1. A very good year indeed!
    Your work is just beautiful, Marty.
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year.


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