It's Winter Olympics Time Of Year

Yes, it's the Winter Olympics time of year.   I know this, you know this and so does Quilt Inspiration....a blog I follow religiously.  And I felt nothing but delight when I opened up the post of the day and saw the picture of  Olympic banners made to commemorate the occasion that were inspired by Russian quilters and other artisans. 

Now, I'm no expert on advertising or knowing what might draw a person in, but my gut feeling is that if a quilt show had made banners to adorn the inside and outside of the quilt arena, people from off the street would be enticed inside for a closer view. patterns.  Quilt Inspiration and friends are sharing patterns.  Too generous an offer not to take advantage. 

Here's one of my favorites from Molly Flanders with a "how-to" tutorial.  I'm drooling now as I pick my fabric to make my equilateral triangle quilt in the likeness of. 

Molly Flanders Equalaterial Triangle Quilt

I've made one in the past and love the simplistic beauty of this design.  In keeping with the simplicity, I used my vintage feed sack fabric and other fabrics off the shelf. 

vintage feed sacks in equalateral triangle quilt by Marty Mason

Happy triangles To You


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