It's all about A Song Title - An Art Quilt

Have I told you lately that I belong to "Art Quilts Around the World", where 20 or more of us make  art quilts based on a chosen theme.  The theme this month was A Song Title.  After much deliberation, I decided on "Frog Went A Courtin'."  Here's my finished art quilt

"Froggy Went A Courtin' " an art quilt by Marty Mason

Notice that Miss Mouse isn't wearing white...rather, she has very blue hair today.  She did venture out of her hollow tree and is sitting on the roof top oogling at her fancy frog.   Also, the big black snake isn't big and isn't black, but is a joyful snake of many colors eyeing the frog for reasons other than Miss Mouse's. 

"Froggy Went A Courtin' " an art quilt by Marty Mason


In doing a little research about this folk song, I learned that there is quite the story behind the lyrics which have been altered and added onto and updated through the ages.   It dates back 400 years and was all about Queen Elizabeth I who very often gave members of her ministry animal names.   Although she never married and was known as the virgin queen, she did play love games with several suitors before rejecting them as unsuitable to be her king.  Her frog in the song refers to Francis, Duke of Alencon, France.

Froggy Went A Courtin' has been recorded by many, including Tex Ritter, Burl Ives, Bob Dylan,
Elvis Presley, Pete Seeger, Bruce Springstein....just to name a few.  I found this delightful version sung by Elizabeth Mitchell and thought it would be fun to share. 


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