I've been traveling the state ~

Yes, I really have been traveling this summer, but this post isn't about really traveling the state....it's about the Louisiana traveling quilt ten of us are co-authoring....one block at a time. 

Mary sent me three blocks a couple of weeks ago and they languished on my design wall for a week!  I just couldn't figure out how to add to the blocks:::::::until I just did it::::::the unthinkable!  NOOOOO - I cut Mary's grove of three trees into.  Sorry, Mary, but I just had to do it! 

 Outdoors, anything outdoors...that's the theme for this quilt. How about outhouses...the ones we don't see anymore but were once a part of the outdoor landscape.    My outhouses fit beautifully  in amongst the grove of trees. And, setting each outhouse on unbleached muslin stopped the dread that all the other blocks' background whites weren't the same.  It's my way of saying, don't set yourself up for disaster.   All ten of us just don't shop at the same store and we certainly didn't compare notes on what fabric to use! 

I had some hand dyed fabric that I pieced together to add a stormy sky, but that was way too much so off that came.  I did finally use a small piece of the sky to make the blocks fit together. 

Louisiana Traveling Quilt for Carlie"  "Anything Outdoors" Theme

Next I surrounded the outhouses and some of the trees with flying geese.  What?  Give 'em a break!  They flew into Thibodeaux for a little R and R and had a little too much relaxation.   You betcha!  South Louisiana is noted for its good food and hearty drink. 

Inspired by Tula Pink's 100 block sampler quilt, I added my version of her block number 59 on the left corner, then using fabric from a bundle of ella blue "terra australis by emma jean jansen"  to make my log cabin block, I filled another blank hole. 

Louisiana Traveling Quilt for Carlie"  "Anything Outdoors" Theme

It's now in the mail to Glenda who can slice and dice at will and add even more  outdoor magic to  Carlie's  Louisiana Traveling Quilt.

Louisiana Traveling Quilt for Carlie"  "Anything Outdoors" Theme
and we passed a good time!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, outhouses! How fun--although I must tell you that no outhouse I EVER used was this nice. Forget about cutting the trees apart....I already have. I'll even admit that they work much better this way. I'm loving the way this one's turning out. And now I'd better get busy with the top I have so I can get it in the mail.


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