Louisiana Traveling Quilt....an update

The Northeast Louisiana Modern Quilt Guild (of which I am a member) is in its fourth month, or is it the fifth month?, of making and adding our blocks to each others Louisiana traveling quilt.  I just finished Mr. Pat's blocks and his quilt top is in the mail to the next member in the traveling quilt rotation. 

I first added a small block to fill in a blank space.

Louisiana Traveling Quilt block added by Marty Mason

Then made my strip to add to the top of  Mr. Pat's quilt.   Having second thoughts here...I just don't like this placement of my long strip.   So glad I auditioned it first rather than have to rip.

Louisiana Traveling Quilt - It's Mr. Pat's quilt top

The placement was much better on the left side and helped to balance the white strip added by Becky and the top added by Marie.  I really like the minimal black surrounded by white that I added to finish out what Marie had added to Mr. Pat's Louisiana traveling quilt. 

Louisiana Traveling Quilt - It's Mr. Pat's quilt top

Mr. Pat, I think you're gonna love your quilt top....I sure do.

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