When I run with scissors ~ I finish a modern quilt

Just for fun, I spent a fast-paced two days at a quilt retreat with good friends, all traditional quilt makers,  and finished this little modern quilt top: 

All those traditionalist had a comment which I just let bounce right off my shoulders.  They swore that all the teasing was 'because they love me.'  They just don't understand!!  how I can enjoy the randomness of modern.  

"running with scissors" a modern quilt designed, pieced and quilted by Marty Mason

And on getting back home, diligently composed the back of the quilt on my design wall in the same flavor as the front of it.  I used every scrap of the same fabric to complete three odd-size 16-patches for the back, then surrounded them with my go-to-fabric.....chartreuse!  followed by a black and white leaf pattern.  No, it makes no design sense, but it pleases me to punch and back. 

"running with scissors" a modern quilt designed, pieced and quilted by Marty Mason

And then stitched my quilt back up one step at a time:

"running with scissors" a modern quilt designed, pieced and quilted by Marty Mason

Then, of course spent several hours with the quilting:  I can't wait for the group to see the end result and hear their newest comments.  I know they will be (un)impressed. 

"running with scissors" a modern quilt designed, pieced and quilted by Marty Mason

Since I usually, while in the making, arrive at a name for my quilts, I allowed a few possibilities to flit through my head as I stitched along....'sixteen quick steps' came to mind as did  'a mad dash' until I finally concluded by the time I finished the quilt back that I must have been 'running with scissors'.

Yep, that's it:  Running With Scissors, proudly pieced and quilted, in spite of the snickers of my great friends, by Marty Mason. 

"running with scissors" a modern quilt designed, pieced and quilted by Marty Mason


1 comment:

  1. It is beautiful Marty. I love how the backs of modern quilts are as fabulous as the front. I am sure your buddies will be as impressed as I am.


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