I revisited some Kaffe Fabric

Just a few wonderful choices of which I had not too much was gathered and put into a quilt top.....

Revisited:  a quilt top by Marty Mason

quilted it up

Revisited:  a quilt top by Marty Mason

and decided that I needed to revisit this one.  Something about it just wasn't to my liking

Revisited:  a quilt top by Marty Mason
so, I chopped, sliced and diced and re-attached. 

No, it's still not to my liking.  Perhaps I should have left it alone.  Perhaps I should have chopped, sliced and diced even more.  Perhaps I'm giving this one way to much attention. 

Revisited:  a quilt top by Marty Mason

What I really think is that I should revisit this one at a later time.  Perhaps this one would make that  oversize tote I've been needing!  That day will surely come....on the next visit. 


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