I'm having a snack attack!

Do I multi-task?   If I'm quilting:  YES.  I do enjoy having more than one delicious snack right at my fingertips to grab and stich on.  It's my snack attack buffet.   I enjoy gathering fabrics that might add to one project or the other  'cause one never knows when the attack might hit!

Here's Snack No. 1 all packaged and ready to bite into:

modern, improvisational - orange peel quilt block - Marty Mason
I've made up a few orange peel blocks in various fabrics to keep me reminded of where this idea is going.  It ultimately will be a modern improvisational orange peel quilt! 

 Snack Attack No. 2 will crunch down to be a very liberated quilt top.....not sure if this is trip around the world, log cabin, courthouse steps!!!!  I just know that these blocks are very much to my liking.   

modern, improvisational, quilt.  Mix of fabric...........Marty Mason

Snack Attack No. 3:

he block I'm calling "Fields and Streams" .........Marty Mason
I made a couple of blocks like this and added them to one of the Louisiana Traveling Quilts....in progress.  And, I called my block "Fields and Streams".  This block didn't make the cut for the traveling quilt, so I'll just enjoy it in a quilt of my own....somewhere down the road. 
Snack Attack No. 4....well, of course, you all know a house block when you see one.  A quilter friend and I want to exchange house blocks.  I got two made, one for her and one for me....then ran out of time.  If the clock keeps ticking, we'll eventually get back on track and crunch down on this fun swap-a-house-block-project.
house blocks for block swap - Marty Mason

And finally, Snack Attack No. 5 has made it to the design wall.  Very minimal, very modern, very much me.

modern, minimal quilt on design wall.......Marty Mason
Hope you enjoy your treats as much as I do mine. 


  1. Maybe we can get back on the houses in the spring??? I really want to do it. Maybe I can be more productive then. I'm loving the last pieces you are working on. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. Progress is very slow these days Ramona. I think I've finished with the Christmas décor, gifts are purchased or hand made and wrapped. So, now, it's time to be selfish and get back to quilting.


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