Abbi Lynn

We had the most fun last night with family celebrating an early Christmas.    I got lots of pictures, but for today just want to focus on Abbi.  She is the prettiest little thing.  And the years are rolling by and she's still the prettiest little thing. 

Abbi Lynn watching for Christmas, 2014
Christmas, 2014
Abbi's first Christmas.....caught napping

Oh, she does like the dress up girl stuff
December, 2012

And her older brother, Mikiel, is just as handsome as Abbi is pretty
Thanksgiving, 2010

A doll quilt made by her Aunt Mart
December, 2010

Get it open - no matter from which direction it takes
December, 2010

She's just as sweet as she looks.  What a little doll. 
December, 2010
Happy Holidays from our house to yours......Marty

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