It's a Cargo Duffle Bag - A Noodlehead Pattern

Cargo Duffle Bag.....a noddlehead pattern made by Marty Mason

 I was so excited to get this one made that I forgot to don my street attire for the picture.  Oh, well! 

My smart friend says it's easier to buy a Vera Bradley....and I most certainly can agree with her.  She's been enjoying the pleasure of her company today and I've been slaving over the sewing machine.  Making another bag.  This time, it's a cargo duffle.....a Noodlehead pattern that I downloaded a few months ago.  I guess it's the season to make heavy duty carry-all bags. 

It isn't a hard bag to make but it does take time and concentration and patience.

Cargo Duffle Bag.....a noddlehead pattern made by Marty Mason

and the back side of my cargo duffle bag, ready to hit the road. 

Cargo Duffle Bag.....a noddlehead pattern made by Marty Mason


1 comment:

  1. This one has been on my to-do list, but I haven't been able to make myself get on it. Love the fabric you used for this one. Great job, Marty.


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