Not amused !

I found an email entitled "6 minutes to skinny" in my email tray this morning and immediately set my timer. 

Here I am in the first minute working on the latest art project, waiting on "6 minutes of skinny" to start working.

I'm looking for a grease spot or something, anything,  but don't see weight loss results yet.  Okay, so it's just the first minute.  I've had this weight for quite some time now, so I'll not get impatient! 


still working and waiting after the third minute
on the timer ~ Still no signs.  This is beginning to be a bit worrisome.  What?
Am I that heavy that this weight loss is going to take 12 minutes!  Why Me? 



and finally after six minutes and the bell sounded, I  gave a quick scan at my art then headed to the mirror

and I was NOT amused:   Liar, Liar.....Cat's on Fire! 

This email has been reported to SPAM headquarters.  Next thing I know I'll be getting emails that tell me I can eat my cake and lose weight too! 



  1. I imagine that somewhere there is a list of all the crazy diets that have been created over the years. It's pretty funny as you have pointed out. Happy Spring! I am visiting from the Over 40 Bloggers.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

    1. Thanks for the visit Susan.....I'm not going to be the one to search for that crazy diet list!

  2. I reckon that the eat your cake and lose weight diet might be the one for me. I'll give it a try and see. Happy weekend!

    1. Talking about loosing weight doesn't help me so I might as well enjoy my cake.

  3. Of COURSE you can lose weight in 6 minutes, and don't probably have an email from a princess in India who's family has died and wants to leave you millions. You have only to provide your account info...;).

    (Stopping by from Over 40)

    1. I tried that once Doreen, but they sent me back an email that told me my account was already over-drawn!!

  4. Thanks for the giggle. Someone was having a lot of fun while you were trying to lose that weight. If it were only that simple I would be a happy camper. xo Laura

  5. I can hardly get any crafting/sewing done for that FAT cat so some days I just embrace the moment and get her fat little self in a picture to blog about later.

  6. Oh my goodness! Cats and quilts?! I think we're going to be very good friends!

    1. Cats and quilts and add a kid or two OR we can talk about something else if you want to.

  7. Popping over from Over 40 Bloggers on FB and what a hoot....if only my weight would just disappear in 6 minutes...

    1. I wouldn't mind even if I could loose a little in 6 days. I'll have to think about how to make that work!

  8. Not being skinny is NOT funny, Lois, my friend. I sometimes take time to take life seriously, but this just wasn't one of those days! Thanks for the visit.


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