Inspired to be a nine-patch

What are friends for?  You know, the ones that give you scraps of fabric and left overs of things that they no longer want or need and knowing you will take them and eventually do something with each little tidbit. 

What?  I thought I was inspired to be a nine-patch!!!

Having tripped and fallen over a stash of hand-dyed fabric for way too long,  I decided that now was the time to put to great use the hand dyes given to me by Kathy and Madeleine, along with those purchased from VickiW,  Cherrywood Fabrics Laura W ,  Freida A and those dyed by self in a hand dyed fabric workshop with Wendy S.   Now, that's  a lot of hand-dyes. 

I'm prepping for a program for a local quilt guild in June and wanted to freshen up a bit one that I have presented to other groups.  It's my "Inspired By A Nine-Patch" program.....the one that I take the double-disappearing nine-patch to a more modern level. 

So,  I gathered and pressed, cut and bundled into 9: 

Hand-dyed fabric inspired to be a nine-patch\

Hand-dyed fabric inspired to be a nine-patch

and set about making 20 nine-patch blocks...each one different from the other.

I then took all twenty of my nine-patch blocks and did the unthinkable (to many in my quilting group), and

Cut them into pieces
 All the pieces parts are now on the design wall ready to be tweaked just a bit then sewn back together again. 

Hand-dyed fabric inspired to be a nine-patch

My little garden party is most definitely "Inspired by a Nine-Patch." 



  1. OHHHHH! You CUT them to pieces! AUGHHHH! But I love it! Maybe you were inspired by the Hubble photos on my blog!


    1. Yes, Glen.....I love cutting blocks apart and remaking just to see what happens. And, if nothing happens, well, then I just take another piece of fabric, lay it helter skelter on top of the block that's not being pleasant and sew it down to see if this look pleases me. That's just about what I did here!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Vicki.....can you see your hand dyes? Some of the orange ones.

  3. It's definitely a garden party with lots of flowers. I love the hand-dyed fabrics and the whole inspired by a nine-patch idea. The addition of the off-whites really adds sparkle!


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