Jewelry Travel Cuffs

These nifty little jewelry travel cuffs weren't on my today's to-do list; however, they are done.  A thrift store shopping friend found a video on how to use every part of a thrift store shirt and that includes the cuffs!  What a carefree way to store each piece of jewelry while at home or on the road. 

I even made one or two for the youngest boys to store their magnetic rocks....the ones they'll be getting at Christmas time.  Yes, Becky reminded me this morning that we only have 20 Fridays left until Christmas....and for that I am thankful, while wishing for 51.   

Jewelry Travel Cuffs
Jewelry Travel Cuffs

Jewelry Travel Cuffs


  1. Cute idea. Sew up the sides leave the flap open. Clever!

    1. Just that easy, happy to see you here.

  2. These are soooo cool! I love them. You are too smart!

    And hey, I really needed that wine......well maybe not the whole bottle.........

    1. Smart? Some in my crowd would debate you on this!

  3. I really like these! I may use the idea for the grands. The oldest needs a couple of smallish bags and once she gets a couple... Well, you know how that goes. Now to cut some cuffs off of a few shirts: not sure how the guys will like this. :-)

    1. Christmas gifts....exactly what I will be doing with mine. The youngest great-nephews will get magnetic rocks in theirs and the little girl nieces might get a piece of jewelry. We'll see how that pans out.


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