
A few thoughts along the way today ~

the first day of July.  July, the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere and coldest in the Southern Hemisphere.  Its birthstone, the fiery red ruby, represents love, passion and courage.

If you are in the Northern Hemisphere with me, you darn well know that it's hot and as I stroll about the garden with outside kitty, we hear the hum of air-conditioners.  Which brings about another thought:  Why aren't they called air-coolers?   

And I had to look it up.  I've forgotten so much about punctuation rules and wasn't sure whether its' birthstone or its birthstone was correct.  Just in case you need to know.....personal pronouns hers, ours, yours, theirs, its, whose, and oneself never take an apostrophe.

And, I am filled with courage to blog about much to do about nothing!

Interject picture # 1 to alleviate the dialog boredom: 

Improvisational blocks put together in quilt as you go fashion

I've been working on a multitude of projects this week.....some may call that multi-tasking, I call it  insanity.

I took a few of my favorite fabric scraps and made a quilt to donate.  I am so thankful and enjoy giving back as often as I can.   I can't stop the ill of the town, but I can give to a child who may be hurting. 
Improvisational blocks put together in quilt as you go fashion

Adding picture # 2 for the same reason as stated above:   to alleviate dialog boredom. 

Adding picture # 3 because I ran out of thoughts along the way ~
a photoshop leaf manipulation.....marty mason



  1. I won't comment on the last pics....I don't know how. :-) The quilts, however, are game up. I agree with your insanity assessment. I have about four projects going--three are sitting, one is going somewhere very slowly. Too bad one of the sitting ones is a customer quilt. Guess that should be next on the list. I can't multitask quilts. They rattle on about what they want and it's like having 15 kids clamoring for ice cream.....no one gets the right flavor!

    The donation quilt looks great. I assume it's for victims of the flood. I haven't heard anything about how to help, so if you have info, I'd appreciate it. I have a couple of small donation quilts that I can send. Here's hoping you're having a dry July 4th!

  2. Hi Mary....love your take on multi-tasking. Most of my donation quilts go to the kids in the CASA program...the ones who are taken away from abuse and neglect and put into a safe environment. I'm hoping my quilts help in some small way to give a child comfort.


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