It surely is quiet in here ~

We had a very quiet weekend....the HuMan and I.  It was out to dinner Saturday night - I had boiled shrimp, he had the shrimp platter.  Mine was very tasty.  He said his was too.  I had a Corona.  He had two gin and tonics.  Mine was very refreshing with the little lime quarter.  He said his was too with its little lime garnish.   We overheard someone order a Tom Collins.  The HumAn asked the bartender as we were leaving.  I don't remember the ingredients or I would share it now with you.

In charcoal - sketched by Marty Mason

Sunday breakfast was shared together standing before the kitchen sink.  I ate a banana.  He had a toasted bagel with cream cheese....or was it topped with jelly.  I really don't remember and will not ask at this late go.  Or should I, just to make conversation?   It doesn't matter.  Does it? 

I puzzled as I sat at the sewing machine yesterday afternoon listening as the HuMAn had an old movie playing on TV.  Why?  Why is there so much dialog?  Can the characters in a movie and on tv have so much more to say to each other than the HuMAn and I?   Perhaps we use more body language.   We talk to each other.  But not excessively.  We talk when we have something to say to each other....He and I.  We always share I love yous before turning out the light each night. 

And, already it's Monday morning and HuMan is up and out to visit the opthamologist.   

And it surely is quiet in here. 


1 comment:

  1. Your drawings are interesting. You have a talent for giving your characters expression with just a few lines.

    I'd love quiet. It's only quiet here when everyone is gone, and I've turned off the TV. My humans seem to think that there is no off switch.


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