"What if?" ~

Do you play the "What If?" game?  What if I had more money?  What if I had a fabulous sewing studio?  What if I had more time in the day?   What if I had a cook, housekeeper, gardener and all around good person to look after me???

He doesn't like his picture taken, but this is where my all around good person sits to pay the bills, make his chore list and plan his day. 

My mind is playing the What If? game like this:  What If?  I took out my basket of scraps and made a simple block each day.  Simple as in log cabin....simple as in very scrappy....simple as in each block doesn't have to have the same center color.  Simple as in each block should be the same size, probably 12" square, because I'm thinking....       "What If?" I made a simple, scrappy, log cabin each day for one year.  Just imagine the possibilities.  What if I decided to make community service quilts out of my 365 log cabin blocks.  If I used the 4 blocks across by 5 blocks down layout, 20 blocks each quilt, I could have 18 quilts made by the end of the year.  Or, what if I used the 3 across by 4 down layout, 12 blocks each quilt, the yield could be 30 community service quilts.  

Realistically, I probably won't get 365 log cabin quilt blocks made in the next 365 days....but, hey!  time's a wasting and I'm counting on one being made by days' end. 


Now, shut up and sew!


  1. With all of my scraps, I'm thinking I really need to commit to play this game with you....


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