Oh, my goodness, Oh, my gosh !

free motion quilting - graffiti style

This has truly been one of the best years - 2015.....but, then, I say that about every year.  Of course, there's been some hard days and some cry days, some busy ones and slow....but it's truly been one of the best years.  I love it when I can go to bed with a clear mind and wake up refreshed and willing to accept what my new day has in store for me.  That's  not to say that I don't plan.....I do....but sometimes even the best laid (layed) plans are aborted around here. 

For instance, just this morning,  my eyes popped open very early and I was eager to get the day going.  But, it was then that I dropped one of the cat's food bowls.  Instead of getting right down to sorting fabric for an improv pieced border for this one,  I had to clean up slithers of glass while listening to grumbling cats.  Or, was I listening to the grumbling stomachs of hungry cats? 

improv - modern - on the design wall - Marty Mason

In the days order, I then opened email.  Are you a Pinterest?   I'm hooked.  If so, you probably got the same email as I did.....you know, the one about deep cleaning....getting a head start on Spring cleaning.   There were pens on how to clean a mattress and then stove burners and even how to wash walls.  One pen even gave me the ultimate way I would want to spend the month:  A 30-day cleaning challenge!  Starting in the kitchen on day one cleaning the microwave, then the oven and ending the 30-day cleaning frenzy by cleaning the vacuum and cleaning supplies.  And the final entree.....just click to print (the list of chores for the next 30 days).   What a hoot!  Who knew there could be so much excitement over vinegar and baking soda!    I'll have to pass on this worthwhile venture and continue to sing a happy tune amid my muck and mess. 

Thankfully, and just in time, I found a pin board with some lovely fall inspired fonts to download.  Just in case my thoughts were straying toward a dusty shelf, these newly found fonts got them back on track.  From that pin, I found a most useful blog.....And We Lived Happily Ever After with tons of information on graphics, printables, photo editing. 

Oh, and I cannot get enough of the home machine free-motion quilters' projects.  I've been doing quite a bit of free motion quilting....not yet proficient, but I'm told that it takes practice - lots of practice.

free motion - graffiti quilting - feathers and more

Anyway, I found a new-to-me free motion quilting design this morning and the best tutorial at A Few Scraps blogspot and have just the perfect quilt ready to be quilted that I can do a test pattern using Wibbly Wobbly.  More on my personal best as I progress. 

As I went for my second cuppa, passing the design wall - stopping again to audition more border fabric. 

A little free spirit, alexia abeeg, more cotton and
steel, along with a denise schmidt and jen kingwell

Yes, this year is almost over and while I've had a few regrets and wish I woulda/coulda/shoulda moments,
it has truly been one of the best years.  

fabric from the collection 'etoffe imprevue'
Looking forward to you 2016
Happy New Year



  1. What a fun post. One of the best things about maturing (growing older) is that I'm finding more and more I'm satisfied and happy with my life. I agree, some regrets, maybe a few wishes, but most of those are leftovers from youth that tag along for the ride.

    I love that neutral quilt at the top and your FMQ skills are much better than you give yourself credit for. I sure hope I can one day get matchsticks to look so good--most of mine look broken.
    Apparently you don't need happy new year wishes, but I'm thinking anyway! :-)

    1. Happy New Year wishes are much like hugs, Mary.....one can never get too many. So, here is a hug along with a wish coming your way.

    2. Then in that case, hugs and wishes, both to you! I can't wait to see where our quilting takes us in 2016. Maybe we'll cross paths in person again--I did enjoy that!

  2. Happy New Year, Marty! It looks like you had a wonderful 2015 -- here's hoping 2016 is even better!

    1. Thank you Heather....and hoping 2016 will also be the happpiest year of your life.


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