Well! Hell's Bells ~

This half-rectangle triangle quilt was finished yesterday and I got up early to search for just the right binding.

Improv pieced and free-motion quilted half-rectangle triangle quilt by Marty Mason

See that little spark of magenta.  That's the color I was wanting for my binding.

Improv pieced and free-motion quilted half-rectangle triangle quilt by Marty Mason

Oh, yes, I found it!  Well, Hell's Bells.....there's only one little piece of it here....not nearly enough to bind my quilt!  I spent two hours searching online for this Michael Miller Stitch Circles in the magenta colorway and notta is to be found! 

preferred fabric choice for binding the half-rectangle triangle impro pieced quilt by Marty Mason

Went to plan B - the aqua Ink and Arrow Fabrics worked just fine......but again, I only had a fat quarter which is about half a yard short of required!  Well, Hell's Bells times 2!

Not to be deterred.  I finally found the (almost) magenta in a solid Kona, or is this a Moda solid? It was my third choice, but at this point, it doesn't matter.  It's almost the right color and I have enough of it on hand. 

fabric choices for binding the half-rectangle triangle impro pieced quilt by Marty Mason

....Well, Hell's Bells ! The HuMan wants to go nursery shopping for even more Azalea bushes for the back garden and wants my help so I guess putting the binding on will just have to wait awhile.

Happy dance, happy dance.....I interrupt and edit this post after receiving a comment from a most knowledgeable blog follower.  Swooze, AKA Suzette,  really knows how to help a befuddled quilt binder.  Suzette took me to a u-tube video on how to stretch binding fabric.  I've used this technique before so knew it was a quick way to sew binding on with the sewing machine, but never, ever gave a thought that it was stretching fabric! 


I still didn't have enough of the magenta Stitch Circle fabric, but you know that aqua fat quarter I had on hand?  Talk about going from not enough to having  excess.  Well, Hell's Bells!  I have a finished quilt.  Thanks Swooze. You are slick. 



  1. Check out Suzie's Magic Binding. They show you a way to stretch that fabric so that you can get a full binding from it.

  2. Thanks Swooze... but, can they help me stretch a mere mite of fabric into 220"!

  3. Was looking at the fabrics in this quilt in case I might have any. I don't have a single bit!! Can't believe that. Wish I could help. Tag Mary. Maybe she has some.

  4. Thanks Ramona, but I had enough of the aqua after all....doing the process that Swooze found for me. This dude is finished!

  5. This dude is gorgeous! I can't believe that binding a quilt can be that difficult. Why not tell the HuMan to do his only azalea shopping....unless he's willing to go to the quilt shop FIRST! (Ask me about that lying trick of agreeing then spending time elsewhere till the shop closes.) I kept wanting to tell you to use both fabrics already. I admit that the aqua is perfect and the quilt is gorgeous!

  6. I know, Mary...I usually just grab a piece of fabric and get my quilts bound and would normally have used all three pieces of the fabric to get it done but something in me wanted this binding to be perfect since I had royally been inattentive in following this quilt pattern and it was nothing like the picture in the magazine; but as it turned out, I like my improv version better than the original especially with the perfect binding.


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