Happiness Abounds

On this the day to honor fathers, happiness abounds.  The HuMan is hanging out with the water hose.....watering the back garden on this hot June morning, doing what he enjoys on this, his day as a father.  He's dressed for his special day in his favorite summer uniform - short shorts and t-shirt. 


And I, on the other hand am hanging out my just rinsed Cherrywood hand dyed fabrics. 

Cherrywood hand dyed fabrics  hanging out to dry
The white fabric hanging out to dry isn't from Cherrywood....it's a scrap that I thought to overdye while rinsing, but the dye didn't hold.  That's what I get for not buying my own dye. 
Lesson learned.....thou shall not steal dye from Cherrywood Hand Dyes !
Cherrywood hand dyed fabrics
After drying and pressing, this load will become a part of what is already on the shelf. 
I have two projects that are calling these fabrics by name.
Cherrywood hand dyed fabrics


  1. Oh yummy! The fabric, of course. I love those colors all together.

  2. Beautiful colors! Do you sell to the public?

  3. Celia, these fabrics were purchased from Cherrywood Hand dyes. Because I have so little work space I can't dye my own fabric....but I do sell my quilts.


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