Jockeying for floor space ~

Yes, I've gone and done it again! Now waiting for delivery of my latest purchase - a Martelli Bella Sedere (Italian for  sit down) long arm quilting machine -  and now must figure how to acquire the required floor space in my sewing studio without knocking out walls!  Yes, I've really done it now and my Martelli is seriously jockeying for floor space.

Since I'll be getting a new pressing board delivered with the quilting machine, I quickly sold my changing table pressing station. That gave me a few additional square feet.   And in its space, mounted on the wall,  the cannot-live-without 7' x 4' design wall. 

I'll miss seeing my M*A*S*H poster but had quite a surprise when we moved the design wall from its original place to find a long forgotten 2004 Jazz Festival poster featuring Harry Connick, Jr.  



I'll also be taking out the current cutting station and will be using the new cutting area that is a part of the Martelli table.  Did I mention that the table height can be adjusted up and down, tilts just the pressing of a button.  I can either sit or stand while quilting and can adjust the height while cutting and pressing.  Love this feature. 

I've dropped the leaf on my Horn sewing table for a few more feet.   I can always raise it on as-needed basis while piecing/sewing  on my Juki.  But for now, I'm loving the streamlined look of the studio. 

We moved my Grandmother's antique handmade cypress kitchen cupboard down a few feet to accommodate the Martelli.  Inch by inch.....jockeying for floor space. 


and here's the space, all ready for delivery.....

I'm so excited and can hardly wait. 



  1. So exciting. Yes it was interesting rearranging my space for my machine last year.

    1. Swooze, I won't know until it gets here if I've done this correctly! We measured and re-measured so here's hoping. You'll here me scream with joy from here to there when it is delivered and set up.

  2. I love that the new table will adjust to standing height. That is just awesome. So excited for you!

  3. And that's just one of the great features.

  4. Oh, this sounds like so much fun for you! I love that you'll be working near a window--good light and a view. I expect to hear your shouts of joy! Your sewing space is so clean and bright! Now I want to clean repaint and (somehow) let stuff go!

  5. You will, Mary. You will hear my shouts. Yes, my windows and open doors are wonderful. I can keep an eye on the birds and a little bit of the man as he snips, digs and rakes.


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