Quilt Festival moments and afterthoughts ~

Was it just a year ago that I blogged about Houston Quilt Festival 2015?  How quickly the year passed and now I've just returned from Festival 2016.  Oh, my, what fun this year visiting and shopping my favorites. 

I had a nice visit with Malka Dubrawsky and came away with some of her 'blues'.  I've been one of her stalkers for a number of years and normally purchase from her online shop,  A Stitch In Dye,  so it was a joy to buy and bring it all home with me.  I was so sorry that I had not taken her book "Fresh Quilting" to get her to sign it for me. 

Malka Dubrawsky hand dyed

Oh, and Hannah's.  Hannah has a quilt shop near me in Choudrant, Louisiana,  and I go there as often as I can because I CAN always find fabric.  Hannah loves to travel and vends her shop at many quilt shows throughout the country each year.   Her quilt show booths are always beautifully decorated with the Kaffe Fassett fabric along with other designers of the big and bold and floral and graphic from England, Australia and New Zealand. 

Two Kaffe Fassett wideback fabrics - drooling

If you haven't, then do so - purchase Kaffe Fassett's Bold Blooms (with Liza Prior Lucy) -
 it is beautifully filled with mouth-watering pictures  - quilts, needlepoint pillows and more.
  Patterns and templates are always included. 
  I lucked up on an autographed one which, by-the-way,  was no more expensive than those not personally signed by Kaffe.

Kaffe Fasset's Bold Blooms

I found this little wall hanging quilt in the show,  holding its own against all those large ones - a wool applique made by a quilter who had taken a workshop with Sue Spargo.  My apology for not noting the quilters name....I am shamed....but  just look at the border she selected for her very traditional folk art applique style - a Kaffe Fasset fabric.  Love this. 

I'm not a people stalker, but stalking quilt shop booths is another story.  I do search and usually can find Cherrywood Fabrics.  They'll also be at QuiltCon East, 2017 Savannah:  I asked.    I arrived too late to grab a grab bag filled with what they call the outtakes but I did come away with these fat quarter hand dyed jewels. 

Cherrywood Handdyes


My three favorite quilts in the entire show: 

Quilt by Junko Sugahara hanging in Houston Quilt Festival 2016
drunkards path, clam shells and orange peels - who knew improv with traditional could be so fun.  Made by a quilter out of Japan, Junko Sugahara.  This quilt's title is "My Mother, My Daughter & Myself" made from family kimonos. 

Millefiori hanging in Houston Quilt Festival - my favorite in the special display sponsored by QuiltMania
my favorite Millefiori - one of many Millefiori quilts in special exhibit sponsored by QuiltMania

It's a hot spot  - This lady kept telling me she didn't want in the picture - but she never moved!
She's in the picture with this hot quilt, like it or not. 

I especially enjoyed the special exhibits  this year....very artsy, very modern, very unique.   A favorite "Artful Improv" by Cindy Grisdela.   Her quilts were spectacular. 

Another favorite display "Inspired by Color:  Art Quilts by Kathy York.   There was a story behind each of Kathy's unique art quilts.   Visit  Kathy's blog - Art Quilts by Kathy York - and visit her quilt galleries for more color punch. 

There was so much to see and so little time to see it all
but I lingered for quite a while at the hanging display of
 Swiss Childrens' Wear. 

Swiss childrens wear hanging at quilt festival houston, 2016

Swiss childrens wear hanging at quilt festival houston, 2016

It's good to be home to enjoy my quiet time sorting and fondling and smiling over all my fabric purchases.....smiling as I flip page after page of  new books added to my library....getting inspired and planning for the next one.

Until next year, Quilt Festival Houston....it was a blast. 


  1. I was so taken away by Cindy Grisdela's exhibit that I bought her book "Artful Improv." And she offered to sign it, so of course, I took advantage! I was so busy looking at quilts and taking pictures of quilts that I did not any shopping. None! lol But I can probably survive. So happy to know that you had a such a fun time. I should have tried to meet up with bloggy friends, but there's never enough time since I get only one day. Oh, to retire and "move" to Houston for a full week of Quilt Festival!

    1. I couldn't resist Cindy's book either. Mary, we would never survive a week at quilt festival.... so let's just enjoy what we have of it. I'm still recovering.


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