Strings and Scraps ~

In all the years, I've never made a string quilt - until now !

String Quilt - MartyMason Made

You see, I've been energized to make do with what's on the fabric shelf or in the scrap bin so have spent the better part of 2017 making scrap quilts.  Oh, what fun getting all those strings and scraps stitched into this quilt top. 

Using paper as my block guide, I sewed strip after strip until I had an 8 1/2" square.  It took a few days to get these 48 blocks made for my 48" x 64" lap quilt.

Pieced back for string quilt - Marty Mason made
And then I added another day of sewing to piece the back of this one.  I'm  rapidly using fabric to get my fabric shelves ready for the new that will certainly be purchased at QuiltCon 2017, Savannah. 

String Quilt - MartyMason Made

String are the best! 

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