Just A Block Before I Go ~

Just a Gypsy Wife block or two before I head out to QuiltCon East 2017 - Savannah USA ~

Puss In The Corner quilt block for my Gypsy Wife quilt - marty mason
Puss In The Corner quilt block with border.

Puss In The Corner quilt block for my Gypsy Wife quilt - marty mason
Puss In The Corner block -
so different with just a change up of fabric....and no border !

I am so excited.....been waiting for two years to get back to QuiltCon where I'll be meeting up with old friends and no doubt, making new ones along the way. 

half-square triangle quilt block for my Gipsy Wife quilt- marty mason
Very simply - half-square triangles.  Always one of my favorite quilt blocks.  Always with personality, plus. 

Hope From Hartford:  Quilt block completed to add to my Gypsy Wife quilt - a Jen Kingwell quilt pattern I purchased a couple of years ago.  It's never too late to get started. 

Hope from Hartford quilt block for my Gypsy Wife quilt  - marty mason

It will be a whirlwind trip.....See you on the return.

1 comment:

  1. Jealous! I haven't been since Austin and I so very much want to go, but I'll have to wait until the next one at least. Enjoy yourself, take lots of photos and have a safe trip.


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