Slow Stitching ~

Hand stitching is slow.  It's a time for relaxing, for thinking, for watching a long movie or listening to good music.  It's my time to let go of preconceived ideas that all quilt stitches must be small and that they must be equal in size and in distance apart or that the quilting thread must be small.   Hand stitching is personal. 

hand quilting, Jogakbo stitching and layering - slow stitching on thrift store linen  by Marty Mason

It was in a QuiltCon 2017, Heidi Parkes workshop that I learned about layering.   Just another interesting dimension - a buried  snippit of perle cotton thread between the quilt top and batting.  Quilting through the layers holds the buried  thread in place. 

hand quilting, Jogakbo stitching and layering - slow stitching on thrift store linen  by Marty Mason

This picture shows layering, big stitch quilting and the Korean Jogakbo stitch (in pink).  Yes, Jogakbo is meant to be a visible stitch.  It might take me a bit more practice to achieve sameness in each stitch. 

You can also see where the quilting threads were attached and tied off on top of the quilt.   Interesting idea I picked up on at QuiltCon 2017.  There was more than one quilt in the show that didn't have buried threads!!!  and you can bet the police were getting ready to make a few arrests. 


Improv quiltmaking and slow stitching are addictive. 

hand quilting, Jogakbo stitching and layering - slow stitching on thrift store linen  by Marty Mason

Life doesn't have to speed by.  Mine now includes some slow stitching.

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