Just when I think I know ~

We've all heard the question:  "What are friends for?"  I found a new reason to enjoy Christie's friendship today. 

Christie's been cleaning house (i.e. de-cluttering her sewing room) for the past few weeks and has asked me on several occasions if I wanted some object or the other.  I've respectfully declined - until yesterday when she asked if I wanted some of her 'orphan' quilt blocks.  WELL, of course, I do, thinking she would deliver 3 or 4.   To my amazement, when she arrived at my doorstep, it was with a bag full.   I could do nothing but gasp!  There were well over 100 blocks in different manners of unfinished. 

Huge pile of orphan blocks

I was dancing with joy.  And am still dancing as I sort and come to a reckoning on how to use some in my usual improvisational style.  There were many half-square triangles that I sorted through and digested to get a few pinwheels.  I think this is a good plan.....now I'll be off to add background in white to get this made into a quilt top. 

Improvisational pinwheels

Improvisational pinwheels

There were only 5 of theses snail's trail quilt blocks, but I'm not complaining.  They are fabulous and will be a wonderful start to something or other. 

Snail's Trails Quilt Blocks

There are so many ways to showcase 'orphan' quilt blocks.....I like to make bookmarks, notebook covers, potholders, mug rugs......just to name a few projects that can be made with diverse groups of fabrics and blocks.  
Oh, My!
Friends ~   Aren't they the greatest? 

1 comment:

  1. I've been collecting orphan blocks to make a quilt with - love them.


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