Want a great show for FREE?

We are so excited here in North Louisiana to be having Karen Eckmeier, aka The Quilted Lizard,  come for a two-day, two-workshop weekend....

Karen is planning her trunk show and power point presentation for us Friday night and IT'S FREE TO THE PUBLIC.  Please come and welcome Karen to Louisiana.  The show will start at 6 p.m. at Bayou Oaks Baptist Church, 298 Joe White Road in Monroe. 

Karen will be teaching us how to start making landscapes accidentally:  Beaches,  on Friday, July 28.

Beaches....an accidental landscape by Karen Eckmeier

And if that's not enough, we'll learn how to make Happy Villages her way on Saturday, July 29. Here's a sampling....Karen calls this one her Seaside Village. 

Seaside Village by Karen Eckmeier

You'll be awed when you watch her demo of happy villages and accidental landscapes video posted on her home web page.  This should give you a taste of what's to come Friday and Saturday.  Even if you aren't signed up for one of her workshops, remember the Friday Night Presentation is free to you and everyone is welcome.

Hope to see you there. 


  1. Oh man! I love her! I have....er...had her accidental landscapes book before the flood!

  2. OMG.....her happy villages too, I had that one too.

    1. come for a weekend visit....say at my house - for free.


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