When I'm Away.....I Play ~

I'm now back home from the most wonderful retreat house....the one called Tangi House....with a group of quilters who call themselves "The Pelican Partiers ."   We gather as a group, making our path over and down from Texas.... Monroe....Lafayette, Louisiana.  We call it meeting in the middle, twice a year for 4 glorious nights and days just sewing and laughing.  We mix it up with a little bit of a chocolate martini, mango margarita (or peach) or whatever the provider provides!  We always have a bottle or two of wine...and of course, have to finish the bottle since the cork never fits right back into the bottle after opening.  Some prefer tea - and that's my true story. 

We each have our personalized wine glass which also serves as the margarita glass and the martini glass.  Now, how is that for packing as a minimalist should pack. 


We sew too!  Here's the proof.  One among us wanted to learn how to make the "No Guts Boxie Pouch", a free pattern given to us on Craftsy.  So when one does, so does the masses.   

Ginger and Lilly worked on their Laura Heine....Abilene.  Here's Ginger's WIP:
She already has a personality.....and we know this is no bull.  Before Ginger finished for the day,  this bovine had the cutest nose and a lipstick hot pink tongue.

I came home and put the final border on my quilt top....a pattern I found in Simply Modern #4 by Sharon Holland.  Sharon calls her blue and green quilt Bloomescent.   I really, really like the Malka Dubrawsky hand crafted fabric in each flower petal. 
and the back....also using Malka's fabric and a little bit of ZenChic for the right-size-to-finish.
Here's another of my starts.  I did the 9 blocks made in the Denyse Schmidt  minimal style and hope to finish this one out in the next few days. 

So, it's home again, home again, jiggety-jig ~


1 comment:

  1. Love retreats. They just refresh you. And you get so much done! Glad you had fun and shared the products with us!


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