Dis, Dat and D'udder

Inspired by the style of Maria Shell, Gwen Marston (Lindsay has the most delectable Pinterest board sharing Gwen Marston Quilts)  Eleanor McCain and others of like improvisational style.  This one has been on the design wall for a month....or more....but now both the quilt front and back is pieced and ready to be quilted.   

Knowing well enough that one should not be vain, yet I can't help but brag just a bit about stepping out of my box.   I can very easily mix and mingle with all those fabulous prints and florals and can easily add a few solids, but man, how hard it is using only solid fabric!  So, yes, very proud  not to have used a single print in this one.....only solids of Bali shot cotton along with shot cotton from the Kaffe Fasset collection.

While out taking pictures this morning I also remembered to grab these two  from awhile back that I included in an improv to the 9-patch workshop. 

And using every leftover scrap from the project, filling in as needed with whatever fabric was nearby that I could grab, cut and sew. 

Life is good....well, actually, life is very good ~


1 comment:

  1. Life is very good indeed! I can't wait till you come to our meeting.
    Love this piece. (And a little vanity is okay, I think.)


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