On Becoming Minimalist ~

Becoming minimal as to blog posts has not been my main goal.....however, it has happened of late.  While not here musing, I'm over at North Louisiana Quilters  and also currently blogging for Quilters Guild Acadienne.  Join in and celebrate the art of quilting. 

A more minimal lifestyle is something I've been striving for for the past several years with good success.  Reading Joshua Becker's  "The Invitation of Minimalism" reinforces my thinking that less is better.  Joshua writes that minimalism gives us less stress and less debt, but more importantly, time to enjoy and value life. 

Maximum use of scraps - circle quilt top by Marty Mason

Maximum use of scraps - circle quilt top by Marty Mason

Speaking of value.....my pile of scrap fabrics is a major value and out of that came my favorite quilt top of the week....not necessarily minimal!

Maximum use of scraps - circle quilt top by Marty Mason

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Maybe not minimalist buy definitely a stunner. There are so many things to enjoy that I'm not sure where to begin.Okay the circles caught my eye first for they really pop, but those solid lines breaking up the circles are especially interesting.

    A riot in a minimalism discussion.

    And a fabulous way to use some of those precious scraps.


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